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Whats the problem?
Today in the world, 3,4 million people are affected with HIV/AIDS and are living without help

​What are the new technologies in this field?

ART or Antiretroviral Therapy. ART is the combination of the three ARV (antiretroviral) drugs atripla,complera,and styborid ARTn maximally supress the HIV virus and stop the progression of the HIV virus.

What are the pros and cons of this new technology?
+Less people will become affected
+Higher prevention rates
+Decrease in mortality rates due to virus
- High Cost

What are organizations/Businesses/people doing to address the problem?
WHO/UNAIDS provides countries with guidance,tools,and support in delivering ART. WHO also launched the treatment 2.0 strategy, which promotes radical simplification of ART with accelerated treatment scale up and full integration with prevention in order to reach universal access.

What is the effectiveness of their work?
Huge reductions have been seen in rates of death and suffering when use is made of a potent ARV regimen. This treatment also has proven to reduce levels of the virus in the bloodstream of an HIV infected person.

54% of people infected have access to antiretroviral therapy.

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